Jessica Rosen Alpern

November 2018
Q & A with Jessica Rosen Alpern
How has Hillel impacted your life?
Hillel has given me a warm and homey feeling that I will always treasure and remember for a very long time. It’s also shown me that even while focusing on my career, I can still be part of the beautiful Jewish community, and still take classes.
Tell us about your career
I am an echocardiographer, which means I perform ultrasounds on the heart.
Where did you meet your husband?
I met my husband, Avi, online on Jdate. He is a data analyst at B&H Photo Video.
We heard you make amazing challah, can you divulge any baking secrets?
I bake them with love and kavana and lots of warmth inside. Since I'm gluten free, I sadly cannot eat or taste what I have made, but I hear they are delicious.
Q & A with Jessica Rosen Alpern
How has Hillel impacted your life?
Hillel has given me a warm and homey feeling that I will always treasure and remember for a very long time. It’s also shown me that even while focusing on my career, I can still be part of the beautiful Jewish community, and still take classes.
Tell us about your career
I am an echocardiographer, which means I perform ultrasounds on the heart.
Where did you meet your husband?
I met my husband, Avi, online on Jdate. He is a data analyst at B&H Photo Video.
We heard you make amazing challah, can you divulge any baking secrets?
I bake them with love and kavana and lots of warmth inside. Since I'm gluten free, I sadly cannot eat or taste what I have made, but I hear they are delicious.
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